Profile PictureKrishnakant Sonakiya

ChatGPT Discord Bot - Currency Converter - Python Based

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ChatGPT Discord Bot - Currency Converter - Python Based

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This Python based ChatGPT Discord Bot & Currency Converter allows you to host a version of OpenAI chatbot and currency conversion feature on your own discord server where people can ask what they want & can convert any currency according the latest exchange rates!

$29 SALE (NEXT FEW OF DAYS ONLY - After that $59)

If you've been looking to run Chat GPT and currency converter locally on your own forum or server, this is one useful way to do it! Adding it to discord allows you to make custom commands, interact, and much more

  • Backend: Python (v.3.10.2), Discord API, OpenAI API
  • Frontend: Discord

This template is a simple starter kit made ready for you to immediately start using the chatbot on your sever. It includes:

  • Instant ChatGPT interaction with any OpenAI models
  • /ai to invoke OpenAI only when needed.
  • /cc to invoke currency converter using the latest exchange rates.
  • Module based usage to you can plug and play, either openai or currency converter in any of your application.
  • Highly scalable.

I wrote this to let people get started with their own projects for simple testing and use of Chat GPT chatbot functionality. If this benefits you, I hope you enjoy this project and use it well! Below are some screenshots:

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Two for the price of One. Discord Openai chatbot & currency converter. Easily connect your discord server with this application.

18.9 KB
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